The Divine Names: Oneness of Majesty and Beauty 1
The Beautiful Names of Allah 1
Module Outline
Please find below detailed plan for each lesson, the Topic and a description of what will be covered in this lesson
Week | Topic |
Week 1 | Introduction & Part 1 preliminary and introductory matters; Chapter 1– Explaining the truth of what is to be said concerning the name, the named, and the act of naming. |
Week 2 | Part 1 preliminary and introductory matters; Chapter 2– Exposing the errors into which most groups have fallen regarding this matter. Chapter 3 – Clarifying whether it is permitted for those names of God which are close to one another in meaning-like al-‘Azim (the Immense), al-Jali1 (the Majestic), and al-Kabir (the Great)-to be predicated according to a single meaning so that they would be synonymous, or must their meanings differ? |
Week 3 | Part 1 preliminary and introductory matters; Chapter 4 – How man shares in the meaning of each of the names of God-great and glorious. |
Week 4 | Part 2 Ninety-Nine names of God and how they relate to God’s essence. Three chapters, which elaborate on the meaning of each of the Ninety-Nine names of God and how they relate to God’s essence. Part 2 |
Week 5 | Part 2 Ninety-Nine names of God and how they relate to God’s essence. Chapter 1– the clarification of the meaning of the ninety-nine names of God. An explanation of each name; (1) Allah and there is no other god but He: (2) Al-Rahman (The Infinitely Good), (3) Al-Rahim (The Merciful), (4) Al-Malik (The King) |
Week 6 | Part 2 Ninety-Nine names of God and how they relate to God’s essence. Chapter 1– the clarification of the meaning of the ninety-nine names of God. An explanation of each name; (5) Al-Quddüs (The Holy), (6) Al- Salam (The Flawless), (7) Al-Mu’min (The Faithful), |
Week 7 | Part 2 Ninety-Nine names of God and how they relate to God’s essence. Chapter 1– the clarification of the meaning of the ninety-nine names of God. An explanation of each name; (8) Al- Muhaymin (The Guardian), (9) Al-‘Aziz (The Eminent), (10) Al-Jabbar (The Compeller), (11) Al-Mutakabbir (The Proud). |
Week 8 | Part 2 Ninety-Nine names of God and how they relate to God’s essence. Chapter 1– the clarification of the meaning of the ninety-nine names of God. An explanation of each name; (12) Al-Khaliq (The Creator), (13) Al-Bari’ (The Producer), (14) Al-Musawwir (The Fashioner), (15) Al-Ghaffar (He who is full of forgiveness). |
Week 9 | Part 2 Ninety-Nine names of God and how they relate to God’s essence. Chapter 1– the clarification of the meaning of the ninety-nine names of God. An explanation of each name; (16) Al-Qahhär (The Dominator), (17) Al- Wahhab (The Bestower), (18) Al-Razzäq (The Provider), (19) Al-Fattah (The Opener). |
Week 10 | Part 2 Ninety-Nine names of God and how they relate to God’s essence. Chapter 1– the clarification of the meaning of the ninety-nine names of God. An explanation of each name; Opener), (20) Al- Alim (The Omniscient), (21) Al-Qabid (He who contracts), (22) Al-Basit (He who expands), (23) Al- Khäfid (The Abaser), (24) Al-Raf (The Exalter), (25) Al-Mu’izz (The Honourer), (26) Al-Mudhill (He who humbles). |
Module Text
Al-Ghazali on the Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of God: Al-Maqsad Al-Asna Fi Sharh Asma’ Allah Al-Husna
(The Islamic Texts Society’s al-Ghazali Series)
In this work, here presented in a complete English edition for the first time, the problem of knowing God is confronted in an original and stimulating way. Taking up the Prophet’s teaching that ‘Ninety-nine Beautiful Names’ are truly predicated of God, the author explores the meaning and resonance of each of these divine names, and reveals the functions they perform both in the cosmos and in the soul of the spiritual adept. Although some of the book is rigorously analytical, the author never fails to attract the reader with his profound mystical and ethical insights, which, conveyed in his sincere and straightforward idiom, have made of this book one of the perennial classics of Muslim thought, popular among Muslims to this day.
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Starting – 13th January 2023 for 10 weeks
Saturday – 10.30am to 11.30pm
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