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Quranic Exegesis

Course Description

In this module, we will look at two surahs: al-Fatiha and al-Saff. On commentating on each Surah and its verses, particular attention will be given to the following four areas;

I. Each surah’s period and chronology of revelation
II. The Prophetic statements and scholarly explanations inform the broader context at the time of revelation.
III. The interrelationship of themes and concepts elsewhere in the Quran. And how a concept gets elaborated upon throughout the Quran.
IV. A closer look at the linguistical features of word order and the overall rhetorical effect of the Quran. Consider by many scholars the proof of the Quran’s inimitability.

Course Outline

Please find below detailed plan for each lesson, the Topic and a description of what will be covered in this lesson.

The course draws on works that came to inform Islam’s traditional pedagogy and represent its’ normative expression. These works are cited below for reference followed by brief biography of the authors:

1. ʻĀshūr, Muhammad, T. (2000) Tafsīr al-Tahrīr wa al-Tanwīr Mua’ssis al-Tārīkh, Beirut.
2. Al-Qurtūbī, Abū ‘Abdullah. (2007) al-jāmʻi li-ahkām al-Quran Beirut.

Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr ibn Farah

QURTUBI is Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr ibn Farah, Abu ‘Abdullah al -Ansari alQurtubi, born in Cordova, Spain, in the carly 6005/1200s. His father was killed in a raid by Spaniards in the Reconquista. At another attack he was chased down by two enemy horsemen on an open plain, so he recited “And whenever you recite the Quran, We put between you and those who believe not in the afterlife a covering veil of incomprehension” (17.45), and the first nine verses of surat Ya Sin, and Allah made him seem to disappear to the Spaniards, who were so close behind him he heard one of them say to the other, “Diablo (A devil)!” He escaped to Egypt, where he authored works on the sciences of hadith and tenets of faith, though his greatest achievement was his twenty-volume al-Jami’li ahkam al-Qur’an (The compendium of the rulings of the Quran]. ...Read More


IBN ‘ASHUR is Muhammad Tahir ibn ‘Ashur

IBN ‘ASHUR is Muhammad Tahir ibn ‘Ashur, born in Tunis in 1296/1879. He lived a very active life, serving as a Maliki judge, professor, and rector of the renowned Zaytuna University. His professional commitments did not hinder his prolific pen from producing over forty works on Arabic rhetoric (balagha), oratory, jurisprudence, history, hadith commentary, Sufism, and ancient medicine; all of them eclipsed by his tremendous thirtyvolume Quranic exegesis Tahrir al-ma’na al-sadid wa tanwir al-‘aql al-Jadid min Tafsir alKitab al-Majid [Verifying the true meaning and illuminating the modern mind through expositing the Glorious Book], which reflects its author’s wide familiarity with modern science and addresses deep questions of exegesis unanswered by others before. ...Read More

Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Shaykh Thaqib has travelled to numerous places over the last 10 years in pursuit of sacred knowledge. This began at several deen intensives with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf from whom the impetus to his seeking sacred knowledge belongs. After travelling to Morocco he went to Hadramawt to the village of Tarim where he sat at the feet of the spiritual Masters and jurists including Habib Umar bin Hafiz.

He travelled to Damascus a number of times and studied under Shaykh Muhammad Darwish, Shaykh Abdul Wahaab Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi, Shaykh Adnan al Majd, Shaykh Maree al Rashid and Shaykh Khalil al Sabbagh. His travels also led him to Mauritania to study with Murabit al Hajj, to Liverpool to study with Shaykh Siraj Ud-Din and to Istanbul at the feet of the gnostic and friend of Allah, Shaykh Mahmud Effendi; and studied with Shaykh Ehsaan Hojah and Shaykh Muhammed Ameen Siraj.”

Shaykh Thaqib has been teaching on Sacred Study for 12 years and a Fountain Institute teacher for now over 22 years.


Bury Park Community Centre, 161, 161b Dunstable Rd, Luton LU1 1BW.
Zoom: links will be provided via email


Starting – 7th October 2023 for 10 weeks
Saturday – 10.30am to 11.30pm

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