Quranic Exegesis
Surah 105 – 114
Course Description
The short surahs of the Quran are often committed to memory by many Muslims and recited in their daily prayers. This is performed by most without an understanding of the surahs they are reading. The tasfīr of surahs 96 to 114 are to be covered over two modules. In explaining each surah focus will be on the following areas. This module will cover 105 – 114 & Surah Fatiha.
I. Each surah’s period and chronology of revelation
II. The Prophetic statements and scholarly explanations that inform the broader context at the time of revelation.
III. The interrelationship of themes and concepts elsewhere in the Quran. And how a concept gets elaborated upon throughout the Quran.
IV. A closer look at the linguistical features of word order and the overall rhetorical effect of the Quran. Consider by many scholars the proof of the Quran’s inimitability.
Course Outline
Course Text
The course draws on works that came to inform Islam’s traditional pedagogy and represent its’ normative expression. These works are cited below for reference followed by brief biography authors:
al-Qurtūbī, Abū ‘Abdullah. (2007) al-jāmʻi li-ahkām al-Quran Beirut.
ʻĀshūr, Muhammad, T. (2000) Tafsīr al-Tahrīr wa al-Tanwīr, Mua’ssis al-Tārīkh, Beirut
Biographies are taken from: Keller, N. (2021). The Quran Beheld. Stanchion Press
Bury Park Community Centre, 161, 161b Dunstable Rd, Luton LU1 1BW.
Zoom: links will be provided via email
Starting – 29th April 2023 for 10 weeks
Saturdays – 10.30AM to 11.30PM
Course Content
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