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Quranic Exegesis – Surah 96 – 104

Winter 2025 module Quranic Exegesis, taught by Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Module Description

The short surahs of the Quran are often committed to memory by many Muslims and recited in their daily prayers. This is performed by most without an understanding of the surahs they are reading. The tasfīr of surahs 96 to 114 are to be covered over two modules. In explaining each surah focus will be on the following areas. This module will cover 96 – 104.

I. Each surah’s period and chronology of revelation
II. The Prophetic statements and scholarly explanations that inform the broader context at the time of revelation.
III. The interrelationship of themes and concepts elsewhere in the Quran. And how a concept gets elaborated upon throughout the Quran.
IV. A closer look at the linguistical features of word order and the overall rhetorical effect of the Quran. Considered by many scholars the proof of the Quran’s inimitability.

Module Text

The course draws on works that came to inform Islam’s traditional pedagogy and represent its’ normative expression. These works are cited below for reference followed by brief biography authors:

Al-jāmʻi li-ahkām al-Quran by al-Qurtūbī, Abū ‘Abdullah. More info
Tafsir Ibn Ashur : At-Tahrir wa at-Tanwir by Shaykh Muhammad at-Tahir Ibn ‘Ashur, Sheikh of Az-Zaytouna University in Tunis More info

Biographies are taken from: Keller, N. (2021). The Quran Beheld. Stanchion Press

To register for the Sacred Study Course or an individual module, you must first become a member. Once you’ve done that, email us at

Week 1Surah 96. Al-‘AlaqThe start of revelation, Human beings’ transgression against God’s
commands due to wealth. The wretched Abu Jahl’s behaviour when he
prevented the Messenger of Allah whilst praying
Week 2Surah 97. Al-‘QadrThe Quran’s descent before it was revealed to the Prophet. The celestial
impact of the Quran. The night of power means the converging of the
angelic realm
Week 3Surah 98. Al-BayyinahThe People of the Book position towards the message of Muhammad.
The question of needing to be sincere in one’s worship. The outcome of
every individual is in either eternal bliss or eternal misery.
Week 4Surah 98. Al-BayyinahThe People of the Book position towards the message of Muhammad.
The question of needing to be sincere in one’s worship.
Week 5Surah 99. Al-ZalzalahThe earth’s convulsions and turning out all its burdens. The horrors
encountered on the Day of Judgement. The amazement and
bewilderment human beings will have as they witness the earth give
testimony to the actions they committed on it.
Week 6Surah 100. Al-‘AdiyatHorses ridden by warriors of truth into battle. Ungratefulness human
beings show by not acknowledging blessings. How the nature of some
people is that they have an avaricious love for wealth, and the person
will face their reckoning and recompense. On the Day of Judgement,
neither wealth nor status is of benefit.
Week 7Surah 101. Al-Qari’ahThe day of standing and its terrors. Humanity will come from their
graves and disperse over the plain in mass confusion and perplexity
Week 8Surah 102. Al-TakathurCaution against accumulating and engrossing oneself in the world, for it
is the cause of being beguiled and removed from their true purpose.
This misplacement is undeniably realised now when death arrives
Week 9Surah 103. Al-‘AsrThe time to do good ends with one passing. The four qualities that
inform they used their time beneficially are faith, righteous actions,
advising the truth and holding to patience.
Week 10Surah 104. Al-HumazahDescribing those deriding righteous people, what motivates them, and
the eternal and painful outcome they will face

Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Module Details

All our Saturday classes are available both in person and online. As an institute, we strongly encourage students to attend in person, as the benefits of in-person learning far exceed those of online attendance. The Friday sessions are conducted online via Zoom.


Bury Park Community Centre, 161, 161b Dunstable Rd, Luton LU1 1BW.
Zoom: links will be provided via email


Starting – 4th January 2025 for 10 weeks
Saturday – 9.30am to 10.30am

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Please find below the workbook to be used for this subject.

Quran Exegesis Sacred Study

Quran Summary Q96.-104

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