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40 Teaching Techniques of The Prophet ﷺ

Winter 2025 module on Hadith by Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Module Description

The actions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ exemplify profound wisdom and radiate Divine beauty. He ﷺ has been aptly described as the Quran in motion, as everything that emanated from his noble presence served as an illustration of perfection. This is
why he is the focal point of this discourse; His ﷺ methods and techniques embody the
wisdom and beauty essential for the challenge of inviting people to the oneness of
God. Accordingly, God instructs all believers: “O you who believe! Obey God, and
obey the Messenger, and those in authority among you” (The Women, alNisā’/58).

The Holy Prophet ﷺ was and continues to be a messenger for all humanity. He ﷺ serves
as the benchmark for wisdom and encapsulates true beauty. This compilation highlights his pedagogical techniques and methods, encouraging us to reflect on this wisdom and beauty in our choices and practices.

This compilation of Forty Hadith is based on the work of the late Shaykh ‘Abd alFattāḥ Abū Ghuddah يلاعت هللا همحر , who dedicated thirty years to his book, al-Rasūl al-Mu‘allim wa Āsālībuhu fial-Ta‘līm (The Messenger, the Teacher: His Methods in Teaching). The book is divided into two main sections: the first attests to the Prophet Muhammad as the most inspiring teacher in history. In contrast, the second outlines 40 pedagogical methods the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم employs. To illustrate each technique, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Fattāḥ included several relevant Hadith. However, this summary presents just one Hadith for each method. I have selected a Hadith pertinent to each topic for methods number thirty-two and forty, as Shaykh ‘Abd al-Fattāḥ discusses these Prophetic methods without referencing a specific Hadith.

Module Text

Compiled by the late Shaykh and renowned Scholar of Syria, who was well known throughout the world, specially among the Hanafi’s.

Al-Rasūl al-Mu‘allim wa Āsālībuhu fial-Ta‘līm (The Messenger, the Teacher: His Methods
in Teaching) by ʻĀbu Guddah, Abdul Fattah. More info

To register for the Sacred Study Course or an individual module, you must first become a member. Once you’ve done that, email us at

Module Outline

Week 1Hadith 1 – 4
Week 2Hadith 5 – 8
Week 3Hadith 9 – 12
Week 4Hadith 13 – 16
Week 5Hadith 17 – 20
Week 6Hadith 21 – 24
Week 7Hadith 25 – 28
Week 8Hadith 29 – 32
Week 9Hadith 33 – 36
Week 10Hadith 37 – 40

Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Module Details

All our Saturday classes are available both in person and online. As an institute, we strongly encourage students to attend in person, as the benefits of in-person learning far exceed those of online attendance. The Friday sessions are conducted online via Zoom.


Bury Park Community Centre, 161, 161b Dunstable Rd, Luton LU1 1BW.
Zoom: links will be provided via email


Starting – 4th January 2025 for 10 weeks
Saturday – 10.30am to 11.30pm

Module Content

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Course Material
The course is based on the text book below, '40 Teaching Techniques of The Prophet'. Students are recommended to purchase this book, it can be bought from the location below at a slightly discounted price of £5.


Recommended Reading

Prophet Muhammad-The Teacher and His teaching methodologies
By Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah

Prophetic Muhammed the teacher


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