In this module students will study the classical work of the great erudite jurist, Imam al-Quduri related to the rulings of Marriage & Divorce pertaining to; how a nikaah is valid, the Dowry, different types of divorce, maintenance and custody.
Module Text
The Mukhtasar al-Quduri – A Manual of Islamic Law according to the Hanafi School – Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Quduri.
Imam Abul Ḥasan Ahmad bin Muḥammad bin Ahmad bin Jaʿfar bin Hamdan al-Faqih al-Quduri (أبو الحسين أحمد بن محمد بن أحمد بن جعفر بن حمدان الفقيه الحنفي القُدُوري) (1037 – 973 AD) was a prominent Ḥanafi scholar and Jurist. He is known as Al-Quduri because he was born in a place called Qudurah which was located on the outskirts of Baghdad. The actual date of his birth is not known. It is reported that he was born in 362 AH (973 AD),
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He has travelled and spent over 10 years studying the sacred sciences at the feet of some the leading scholars in the muslim world, which began by attending the Dowra in Tarim, Yemen in 2005 at the age of 16 and before then at the hands of his righteous grandfather, Muhammad Fadl.
His studies initially took him to Cairo where he studied with scholars such as: Shaykh Abdul Salam Shannar, Shaykh Mahmood Dahla, Shaykh Ali Jumm’ah, Shaykh Fath Hijazi and the great gnostic Shaykh Muhammad Awad. He also received ijaza in the recitation of Quran by Shaykh Ali. His travels also took him to Mauritania where he read Shamail Tirmidhi in the presence of the great gnostic Murabit al-Haaj as well as various other texts to Murabit Ahmed Fa’al, Shaykh Muhammad Haddamin and Shaykh Abdullah.
In Istanbul he met the great gnostic Shaykh Mahmood Effendi who granted him ijaza in Dalail al-Khayrat as well as studying with: Shaykh Muwaffaq, Shaykh Khalid Kharsa, Shaykh Adnan Darwish, Shaykh Mahmood Masree and Shaykh Abdul Rahman Argaan.
For the last 8 years he has been living, studying and teaching in Tarim, Yemen under the guidance of the great caller to Allah, al-Habib Umar, where he is a official teacher in Dar al-Mustafa and Dar al-Zahra primarily teaching Hanafi Fiqh and the Prophetic Biography (Sira).
Module Details
All our Saturday classes are available both in person and online. As an institute, we strongly encourage students to attend in person, as the benefits of in-person learning far exceed those of online attendance. The Friday sessions are conducted online via Zoom.
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Starting – 3rd January 2025 for 10 weeks Fridays – 8.10PM to 8.50PM
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The text book used for this module is 'The Mukhtasar, Al Qaduri', by Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Quduri. Download the course material using this link:
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Knowledge is understanding that every choice and view one forms is framed in the guidance presented in the Quran and the Prophetic way as understood by Ahle Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah.
Practice seeks to implement that knowledge in all aspects of our lives. Sincerely applying knowledge facilitates the soul to acquire virtuous characteristics and move beyond its vices and capricious element
The soul becomes receptive to realisations concerning God’s oneness, majesty, beauty, and how creation is an ongoing sign of Divine favour. This witnessing is highlighted in the Prophetic statement,‘Excellence is to worship Allah as though you see Him. If you do not see Him, He sees you.
Shaykh ᶜAbd Al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah
SHAYKH ᶜABD AL-FATTĀḤ ABŪ GHUDDAH was born in Syria in 1917. One of the outstanding Muslim scholars of the 20th century, Shaykh Abū Ghuddah was a leading scholar in the eld of ḥadīth and Ḥanafī school of qh. He studied in Syria and Egypt specialising in Arabic language, ḥadīth, sharīᶜah, and psychology. He had many prominent teachers, among them Shaykh Rāghib al-Tabbākh, Shaykh Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Zarqa, Shaykh ᶜĪsā al-Bayanūnī, Shaykh Aḥmad al-Kurdī, and the renowned Ottoman Scholar Imām al-Kawtharī. He taught uṣūl al-fiqh, Ḥanafī fiqh and Comparative fiqh at the University of Damascus. He also taught at the King Saud University and Imām Muḥammad ibn Saud Islamic University. He was buried in al-Baqīᶜ cemetery in Madinah 1997.