
Coherency between the closing and opening of Surah’s

Module Outline Please find below detailed plan for each lesson, the Topic and a description of what will be covered in this lesson. Module Text xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Location Bury Park Community Centre, 161, 161b Dunstable Rd, Luton LU1 1BW.Zoom: links will be provided via email Date/Time Starting – 5th October 2024 for 10 weeksSaturday – 10.30am

Coherency between the closing and opening of Surah’s Read More »

Shamail 2 – The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم as beheld by his companions

Module Outline Week Topic Week 1 xxxxxxxxxx Week 2 xxxxxxxxxx Week 3 xxxxxxxxxx Week 4 xxxxxxxxxx Week 5 xxxxxxxxxx Week 6 xxxxxxxxxx Week 7 xxxxxxxxxx Week 8 xxxxxxxxxx Week 9 xxxxxxxxxx Week 10 xxxxxxxxxx Module Text The course draws on works that came to inform Islam’s traditional pedagogy and represent its’ normative expression. These works

Shamail 2 – The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم as beheld by his companions Read More »

Purification – Defects of the Tongue, Hope & Fear, Improverishment and Abstinence

Module Outline Week Topic Week 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Week 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Week 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Week 4 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Week 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Week 6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Week 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Week 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Week 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Week 10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Module Text al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad. lhya’ ‘ulum ai-din. Ten vols. Edited by lajnahtu Ilmiya Dar al-Minhaj Jeddah, Dar al-Minhaj

Purification – Defects of the Tongue, Hope & Fear, Improverishment and Abstinence Read More »

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