

A comprehensive curriculum crafted by our scholars to provide a robust foundation in Islamic Sciences.

Course Description

Sacred Study

Presenting the Sacred Study Course, now in its 15th year. Meticulously designed for individuals aged 16 and above, with expert instruction provided by our dedicated teachers.

The Sacred Study program seeks to revive a profound connection with the uninterrupted scholarly tradition of Islam. This holistic approach has traditionally steered individuals toward leading purposeful lives, striving to please their Creator and Sustainer, and empowering them to create a meaningful impact.

This learning process emphasises the importance of the metaphysical and spiritual truths that inform Islam’s well-known practices. Reconnecting through learning facilitates realisations in one’s faith. Making choices based on knowledge refines the soul and draws one closer to Allah and His messenger. Hence, the leitmotif,  KnowledgePracticeRealisation , underscores the intention and thought behind the various educational programmes offered by Fountain Institute.


7.30pm – 8.50pm
Online only


9.30am – 12.30pm
Online & In Person

Term Duration

10 Weeks per term


3 Terms, Winter, Spring & Autumn

Sacred Study Courses

The Sacred Study course is built on several foundational courses, each comprising multiple modules taught within the program. Below is a brief description of each course.

Winter Term Modules

starting 3rd January 2025

Membership Required

Quranic Exegesis: Surah 96 – 104

Saturdays 9.30am
Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Membership Required

Diseases of Anger, Malice and Envy, & Warning against the world

Saturdays 11.30am
Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Membership Required

40 Teaching Techniques of The Prophet

Saturdays 10.30am
Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Membership Required

Islamic Law – Trade

Fridays 7.30pm
Ustadh Ammar Faiz

Membership Required

Islamic Law – Marriage

Fridays 8.10pm
Ustadh Tariq Mahmood

Spring Term Modules

starting 5th April 2025

Membership Required

Warning against the love of wealth and miserliness & The love of status and fame

Saturdays 11.30am
Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Membership Required

40 Hadith Qudsi

Saturdays 10.30am
Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Membership Required

Quranic Exegesis 4

Saturdays 9.30am
Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Membership Required

Islamic Law – Halal/Haram

Fridays 8.10am
Ustadh Tariq Mahmood

Membership Required

Islamic Law – Oaths

Fridays 7.30pm
Ustadh Ammar Faiz

Sacred Study Registration

Sacred Study is FREE for all members! Here’s why membership is beneficial: it’s affordable, with a monthly payment option of just £20, helping you spread the cost throughout the year. Once you’re a member, you’ll gain access to most of our courses at no extra charge.
Please use the donation form below to join. Note that membership requires a minimum one-year commitment. Once you have made the donation please drop us an email if you would like to be registered on the course:

How should Modules be viewed?

The modules serve to act in two ways. 

1. It allows learners to study a complete area of a given course. In this way, the modules function as short courses that enable learners to choose areas of interest.

2. Equally, the modules are part of a course. This means by studying all the modules under a given course, a learner covers the whole subject and not only a specific area.

What do we mean  by the term ‘traditional’? 

Karim Lahham (2021). The Anatomy of Knowledge and The Ontological Necessity of First Principles. Tabah.‌

‘The term ‘tradition’ (and ‘traditional) is used throughout this paper not as a mere term of historiography, and thus of diachronic or even synchronic significance alone. It is admitted that tradition is a clumsy word, much abused, and over-prescriptive in the historical and even Roman Catholic context. By its use, nevertheless, ...Read More

Our Teachers

Abu Darda reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The scholars are the successors of the prophets. Verily, the prophets do not pass on gold and silver coins, but rather they only impart knowledge.” Source: Musnad al-Bazzār 10/68

Ustadh Tariq Mahmood

Has travelled and spent over 10 years studying the sacred sciences at the feet of some the leading scholars in the muslim world. More info

Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood

Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood’s educational journey in the Islamic disciplines comprises a rich tapestry of experiences from the late 90s to 2007. More info

Ustadh Ammar Faiz

He studied a broad curriculum focusing on the various Islamic sciences at the Darul Funun Institute with esteemed traditional Syrian scholars. More info


Bury Park Community Centre, 161, 161b Dunstable Rd, Luton LU1 1BW.
Zoom: links will be provided via email


Winter Term – 4th January 2025 (10 weeks)
Spring Term – 5th April 2025 (10 weeks)
Autumn Term – 4th October 2025 (10 weeks)

Sacred Study Videos


Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever does not thank people has not thanked Allah.” Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4811

“Not only been an incredible experience, but a backbone in my life. I am not a studious person but Sacred Study has been a foundation of much good for me in many more ways than just knowledge. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.”​

Sacred Study Student

“Thank you for facilitating my weekly dose of much, much good which further extends to eternal goodness I hope InshaAllah. Thank you for facilitating for me a different way of thinking and approaching life, influenced by our beautiful, blessed teachers. “​

Sacred Study Student

“May He please your hearts a million times more for the pleasure you facilitated for my heart. May He increase and preserve your good works for the Ummah and accept them from you .”

Sacred Study Student

“May forgive you, love you, protect you and have mercy on you eternally. I pray He gives you all the beautiful things in His dominion! May you be with Allah and His Messenger s, Ameen.”​

Sacred Study Student

“This is my first year of Sacred Study and Alhamdulilah I have to say that I absolutely love it! Our wonderful teachers are a blessing. The way they teach and how they talk to students, you enjoy the classes and learn from them as much as possible.  I look forward to Sacred Study every week! Everyone is so welcoming and kind Alhamdulilah. “​

Sacred Study Student

“May He please your hearts a million times more for the pleasure you facilitated for my heart. May He increase and preserve your good works for the Ummah and accept them from you .”

Sacred Study Student

“A beautiful class with  teachers so full of knowledge yet humble… Each of them with their own unique method of teaching keeping everyone awake on a Saturday morning 🙂  All the subjects brilliant and necessary for us to learn about, enabling us to really understand our deen…. Jazakallah to Fountain Institute and all those who put time and effort in to providing us with these learning opportunities…Even after a busy week always look forward to Sacred Study.”​

Sacred Study Student

“Allhamdhulillah, the Sacred Study course is doing so well. My words wouldn’t do justice to the teachers, so I will stop here and just say that I am absolutely blessed to be in the presence of such teachers and to be able to learn sacred knowledge directly from them. May Allah increase this course in numbers and strength. Ameen.”​

Sacred Study Student

“I just wanted to say jazaakumullahu Khairun for your continued commitment to providing the Sacred course year on year, and persevering in your goals to lift and navigate our community towards God. May Allah (swt) be well pleased with you all and grant you abundant khair in this world and the next, aameen.”

Sacred Study Student

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Sacred Study